Jeep Safari

Take a jeep safari ride to experience the sight of exotic wildlife in its natural habitat
Enjoy jeep safaris to explore and enjoy the real feel of Manas National Park. Get to see all the exotic birds and animals in their natural habitat and enjoy the scenic beauty. The safari takes you around Manas National Park starting right from Bansbari and moving through the core area of the park to Mathanguri. The time allotted for each safari ride is approximately 3/4 hours and this may vary based on the sightings of animals and birds. We offer complete safe safari trips and also offer services of a Guide that can help you understand every nook and corner of the park. We also escort your trips with a forest guard to ensure extra safety. You can enjoy the safari either early morning or in the afternoon as per your convenience. The Safari starts at 6 AM and also post lunch at 2.00 PM. Options are there to explore different range of Manas i.e. Bansbari range or Bhuyanpara Range. Another safari ride starting at Bansbari can take you to experience the beauty of Bhutan village Panbang, providing a glimpse of the lifestyle of Bhutanese people. Bhutan Safari is open for Indian National only and for that you need to carry Passport or Voter ID of all adults and birth certificate of children. Safari may be booked directly on Forest official portal, please do not book your safari on other websites since they are not reliable.